
What Are Wellness Habits?

What Are Wellness Habits?

The key to being fit isn’t a specific workout or even a special superfood. It’s about all the little things you do each day, whether it’s getting adequate sleep, drinking more water, exercising daily or eating healthy. There are a number of wellness habits that will impact your overall health. You may have “unhealthy habits” that you want to quit. You can do that by replacing them with ones that make you healthier and fitter.

Start by making small changes.

One wellness habit that you can start immediately is getting more exercise. You don’t have to start with a formal program, even though we suggest it. If you’re extremely unfit, start by changing some daily habits. Get up from the computer every hour and walk around, do an exercise or too to get your blood circulating. Park further from the store if you’re going shopping and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take a daily walk. If you’re out of shape and can’t go very far, go as far as you can and try to extend the time walking and the distance you walk daily. Our workout program is easy to add to your daily schedule, since you don’t have to leave the house and can do it on your schedule, not ours.

What you eat makes a difference in your health.

Your body needs nutrients to be its healthiest. A healthy diet provides the building blocks for a healthy body. Start small with one healthy habit when it comes to eating. It can be something as simple as adding more vegetables to your diet or something far more difficult, like cutting out processed foods or foods that contain extra sugar or white flour. You can focus on snacking first and find ways to make your snacks healthier, such as having fresh fruit, nuts or veggies readily available for snacking.

Are you quitting smoking or giving up something else?

If you’re constantly grabbing a soft drink, it may be time to kick the habit. You can do it by replacing that soft drink with water. Start by switching out one glass a day with water, then work toward two or more. Kicking any negative habit, like smoking, requires having other healthy habits in place. If you’ve already started a workout program and a program of healthy eating, you won’t experience the weight gain and can exercise away other cravings.

  • Getting more sleep is an important habit. Not only does lack of sleep increase the risk of heart disease, it also affects your hunger/satiety hormone balance, creating more hunger hormones and less satiety hormone. That makes weight loss harder.
  • To create any habit, you have to do it regularly. With exercise, it helps if you workout at the same time every day. You’ll develop more consistency and make it a habit quicker.
  • Make it a habit to sit down when you eat, instead of eating on the run. It even helps if you use smaller plates. Practice leaving some food on the plate to quit your membership in the plate cleaner’s club.
  • Carry water with you at all times. When you’re hungry, reach for a bottle of water first. You may be thirsty and not really hungry. Staying hydrated can also increase your energy level, so you’ll burn more calories.

For more information, contact us today at Wholly You Fitness

Consistency, Consistency, Consistency

Consistency, Consistency, Consistency

You don’t have to leave your home or come to Wholly You Fitness in Oceanside, CA, to achieve your fitness goals. Getting fit is all about having the right plan for your needs and consistency. It’s important to achieving any type of goal, including your fitness goal. Anything of significance wasn’t created overnight, but took doing the same repetitions daily, checking your progress, adjusting and repeating. Consistency may seem obvious and simple, but it’s one of the core requirements to every success in life, whether in the gym or life in general.

Developing good habits is part of succeeding at your goal.

If your goal is to save $100,000, for most people, it means putting a small sum away every week. It’s normally not feasible to achieve that type of savings in a few weeks or a month. The same is true when developing a strong, healthy body. You can’t workout once and expect to see results or eat one healthy meal and hope to lose weight. It’s making small changes along the way and sticking with those changes until they become a habit. Good habits that direct you toward your goal provide the foundation to reaching that goal.

Fitness goals require consistency.

If you aren’t training on a consistent basis, your body doesn’t adapt as well and habits aren’t formed. One key to fitness success is having daily habits that help your body get stronger and fitter. If you’re consistent with your training, you’ll see success quicker and form habits that keep you fit. Every workout session, small changes are achieved. Those changes all add up to bigger changes, such as developing muscle, endurance and flexibility.

Bodily changes produced by consistency include becoming stronger.

When you’re consistent, your body slowly develops stronger tendons and ligaments, more capillaries in the muscles and improves use of fat as energy, oxygen intake, strength and endurance. Your body can’t change overnight. Each small change builds on other small changes, but you have to do what it takes to achieve those changes on a consistent basis or you lose ground. In other words, the hardest part of getting fit is showing up every day to workout.

  • Every workout you complete is one small step toward your goal, one brick in building the body you want. Each workout becomes easier to do and showing up becomes more of a habit.
  • The more you do something, the more natural it feels. We are all creatures of habit. Studies show that to develop a habit, you have to do something for approximately 68 days.
  • Consistency is about making one small change until you feel comfortable and then adding another small change. Each new change builds on the previous one. Small changes can’t occur if you’re inconsistent.
  • Consistency also means dietary consistency. It’s about choosing healthier food options on a regular basis. You’ll be amazed at how your tastes change the more you do it. Giving up food with added sugar, for instance, can help you realize just how sweet fresh fruit tastes.

For more information, contact us today at Wholly You Fitness