
Benefits Of Eating Less Meat

Benefits Of Eating Less Meat

You don’t have to want to lose weight, be focused on health, want to save the planet or be an animal’s rights activist to appreciate the benefits of eating less meat. It’s simply cheaper. A can of black beans provides about 24 grams of protein but costs about a dollar, even less if you use dried beans. A four ounce serving of sirloin steak can cost from $6 to $8 a pound, so a four ounce serving ranges from $1.50 to $2.00. It’s about half the price.

Does going meatless provide any health benefits?

The answer is yes! First, meatless meals that have plant based protein provide the body with fiber. Soluble fiber feeds the microbes in your digestive tract that are beneficial. Those same microbes boost your immune system, affect your digestion and absorption of nutrients, affect your nervous system and brain and even help you lose weight. The insoluble fiber in plant protein sources also helps keep your elimination running smoothly, while slowing the absorption of carbohydrates to regulate blood sugar levels. Both can make you feel fuller, so you’ll eat fewer calories.

If you opt for a vegetarian lifestyle, you’ll lower your risk for several diseases.

You don’t have to be a vegan to get the benefits. Just cutting back on meat and becoming a flexitarian can help. Flexitarians simply eat less meat and focus meals more on vegetables and fruit. They may have a meatless Monday, Wednesday and/or Friday, but include meat in their diet the rest of the week. It can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, colon cancer and even live years longer than meat eaters.

Do you want to lose weight? It’s easier when you have a highly plant based diet.

Besides the economic, environmental and health benefits, plant based sources of protein are often more filling, so you eat less. They’re also often lower in calories in many cases. Studies of vegetarians show they have a lower BMI—body mass index—than those that ate meat on the average. The same studies also show vegetarians have a much lower waist-to-hip ratio, meaning less belly fat.

  • Red meat takes longer sitting in your intestines. It can take as long as four days before you eliminate it, which may be why it’s linked to colorectal cancer. It’s high in cholesterol and saturated fat.
  • Not all plant based proteins are complete. In order to get a complete protein with all the amino acids our body can’t make, you have to combine them or eat several types throughout the day. It’s easy. Peanut butter on whole grain bread is one example, just as black beans and rice is.
  • You don’t have to opt for fancy vegetarian foods that cost extra, although I do love cashew burgers that have their own unique taste that’s nothing like meat. Cheap simple vegetarian options are available.
  • Toss nuts and red beans in your salad or include meat in your meal, but make the amount you use smaller. Combine leftover meat that’s a serving or less with meatless options if you need more protein. Chop it up and use it for flavor, rather than the main source of protein.

For more information, contact us today at Wholly You Fitness

Cut Out 200 Calories Daily And See What Happens

Cut Out 200 Calories Daily And See What Happens

Clients at Wholly You Fitness in Oceanside, CA, know that the way to a healthy body is to eat healthy and exercise. They take action and commit to both. Not everyone is ready to jump in feet first, but prefer to dip their toe in the water of fitness. For those people, I suggest you try a simple, easy to do experiment. Just cut out 200 calories daily for three months and see the results. It can be one of the easiest ways to ease yourself into better health.

What does two hundred calories look like?

If you’re cutting out two hundred calories, make sure you’re cutting out unhealthy food or drink, which has no nutritional value other than calories. One easy way to do it is to cut out soft drinks. If you have one a day, it’s about 150 calories. You can substitute it with water. If you don’t like water, try infused water. Don’t go the route of diet drinks, since studies show they can increase your belly fat. A half a muffin is 200 calories, just like a ½ burger, ½ pop tart, five miniature milky ways or 9 Hershey’s kisses.

How can just skipping 200 calories make a difference?

In order to gain weight, you have to eat 3500 more calories than you burn. The opposite is necessary to lose weight. If you skip 200 calories every day for three months, which is about 91 days, you’ll eat 18,200 fewer calories. That means you’ll have lowered your calorie count enough to lose five pounds. When it comes to junk food, just ask yourself, “Do I really want it?” Instead of eating it, substitute it with something less calorie dense or only eat half as much as you would normally.

Be more aware of what you’re eating and find ways to substitute or reduce the calorie count.

If you can’t resist the smell and taste of a Cinnabon, which chalks up at 800 calories with its Carmel Pecan Bon having a huge 1080 calories, don’t. If you eat one every day, just don’t eat a whole one. Buy one to share with others and you’ll save tons of calories or divide it into portions for other days. You’ll save money in the process. While avoiding it totally would be best, sometimes you just can’t resist. Go for black coffee, rather than the fancy White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino Grande that contains 520 calories. Have cut up fruit and veggies ready for snacks, instead of grabbing a bag of chips.

  • The best place to start is by creating a food diary. It can be an actual book you write in everything you eat or just the notes section in your phone. Look over your list and find a way to make cutting out 200 calories easy.
  • Even junk food has a hierarchy. For instance, a medium cake donut contains about 200 calories, while a generic chocolate glazed donut has about 312 calories. Switch to plain and you’ll save over 100 calories.
  • At 600 to 700 calories for a McFlurry or 1160 calories in a chocolate triple thick shake, they may be doing you a favor every time the machines are down. Skip the shake and opt for something less calorie dense.
  • Skip fried foods with your meal and go for baked. Opt for a KFC grilled chicken breast at 210 calories rather than an extra crispy one at 530 calories.

For more information, contact us today at Wholly You Fitness

Can "Fat Burning" Foods Aid In Weight Loss?

Can “Fat Burning” Foods Aid In Weight Loss?

We know there’s no magic formula for being fit. It takes devotion to eating healthier and a program of regular exercise. At Wholly You Fitness in Oceanside, CA, we focus on that. However, tips about healthy “fat burning” foods, can help you save a few extra calories every month. Fat burning foods have a thermogenic effect. It means the calories necessary to digest them can cut the number of calories they provide by a significant amount. Basically, they make your weight loss easier. Think of celery, which is often touted as a dieter’s friend. It contains very few calories, but takes quite a few to digest.

Some higher protein foods, such as lean meat or beans have a thermogenic effect.

Food high in protein not only take longer to digest, so you feel full longer, they also burn about 30% more calories than other types of food. If you ate a serving size of meat that had the same number of calories as a cookie, you’d only be able to use 2/3rds of the calories from the meat, since the rest went into digesting the meat. Protein can increase your metabolism by as much as 35% for several hours after consumption.

Hot spicy food can boost your metabolism.

If you’re a fan of chili peppers, there’s good news for you. That heat from the capsaicin in the ribs and pith of the chili not only burns your mouth, it burns calories, too. Capsaicin helps prevent metabolic slow down and reduces your appetite by making you feel fuller. In a mega study using thousands of participants, people who consumed capsaicin burned about 50 extra calories a day. Unfortunately, if you consume chili peppers every day, your body adjusts to the heat and the thermogenic effect declines. Capsaicin is also an anti-inflammatory.

Food with fiber or omega3 burn calories and some burn fat specifically around the middle.

Food high in fiber has the same benefits as protein. It keeps you feeling fuller longer and burns extra calories for digestion. Fiber also slows the absorption of sugar, which levels blood sugar and reduces insulin levels that can spike and cause fat to accumulate around your mid section. Foods high in fiber include whole grains, oatmeal and brown rice. Foods with Omega3 fatty acids, like salmon, walnuts and kale, trigger fat burning.

Green tea contains EGCG, which promotes fat burning, especially around your middle. It also contains caffeine, which increases your metabolism.

Seeds and nuts have a thermogenic effect. Sprinkle some pumpkin seeds or ground flaxseed on your cereal in the morning to increase nutrition and burn extra calories.

Adding herbs and spices to your food not only boosts flavor without adding extra calories, it can boost health benefits and metabolism. Turmeric, especially combined with black pepper, has a thermogenic effect.

Foods like bananas are higher in potassium, which can boost your basal metabolism, which is the number of calories burned as you rest. Get your potassium from food rather than a supplement, as too much can have dangerous side effects.

Should I Work Out When I'm Fasting?

Should I Work Out When I’m Fasting?

There are a number of different types of fasts, from ones that last hours to ones that last days, so whether it’s safe to work out when fasting depends on how long you fast. If you’re doing a fast that’s longer than a day, you’re significantly lowering your energy level. For intermittent fasting, which can be from several hours to a day, the answer is a bit murkier. Most people choose a pattern of eating during an eight-hour window and fasting the other sixteen when they opt for intermittent fasting. It’s not necessary to give up your activity for that type of fast or give up all types of exercise even on a longer fast. Before you start any fast, always check with your health care professional.

What happens to your body when you fast?

When you eat carbohydrates, your body converts them and stores them as glycogen. Overnight your body is using the stored glycogen, since you’re not eating. It’s why the first meal of the day is called, “break-fast.” You’re breaking the fast of the previous night. There are good reasons to exercise in the morning before you eat and good reasons not to do that. If you don’t eat, but opt for intermittent fasting, where you extend your fasting time to far later in the day, your body will burn more fat for energy due to low glycogen reserves. It also could burn more protein in the form of lean muscle tissue. The less lean muscle tissue you have, the slower your metabolism, so there’s no clear cut answer to which is best.

Have your workout match your fast.

Are you working out every other day? If you fast for hours or a day, have your workout mesh with the days you don’t fast. If you’re doing intermittent fasting, exercise during your eight hour window where you eat. Have a small carb and protein snack before you workout and one within an hour after you finish. You’ll have the glycogen available to make your workout productive, keep your metabolism strong and the protein afterward can help with recovery.

Longer fasts require more planning.

You definitely won’t want to do a high intensity workout if you’re fasting longer than a day or two. That doesn’t mean you can’t exercise. Going for a brisk walk or doing some light exercising can be beneficial. If you feel light-headed when you workout, it’s your body’s way of saying you’re overdoing. Don’t add to the struggle.

  • If you’re breaking your fast right before you workout, keep the food intake small and eat at least a half hour before working out. You can eat a full meal if you’re eating 1-3 hours before exercising.
  • For intermittent fasting, stick with higher protein snacks, to help boost muscle growth and repair. Put nut butter on an apple for the perfect combination of protein and carbs.
  • Even if you’re fasting, remember to drink plenty of water. Hydrating frequently can help you stick with a fast, keep you feeling fuller and ensure your lack of energy won’t be due to mild dehydration.
  • Save your biggest meal for after an intense workout. Try to make it within the first half hour to an hour afterward. Your meal should have at least 20 grams of protein.

For more information, contact us today at Wholly You Fitness

Whole Foods Can Help Heal

Whole Foods Can Help Heal

There is continually growing evidence that what you eat makes a huge difference in your health and that whole foods can help heal chronic health issues. We focus on eating healthy at Wholly You Fitness in Oceanside, CA, for a number of reasons. Changing your diet can eliminate toxins and boost nutrient intake. It can lower calories and help you lose weight.

Food helps heal, while others can increase the risk of disease.

Certain food can promote angiogenesis, which is a necessary function for forming new blood vessels, healing wounds and growth. However, the body also controls it by trimming those vessels and stopping the growth where there too many. The body continuously has cancer cells form, but the process of anti-angiogenesis prevents them from replicating and growing by stopping blood flow to them, so they die without affecting your body. If that system isn’t functioning properly, the continuous creation of vessels feed cancer cells that normally would die. Anti-angiogenesis foods like cherries, berries, kale, turmeric and tomatoes are being investigated by scientists for their properties that may help get the body back on a healthy track to reduce the potential of cancer.

Inflammation can create health issues, but whole foods can help prevent it.

Some foods contribute to inflammation. When controlled, inflammation helps fight infection, but when chronic, it can become a factor in serious conditions such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis. Having a balanced diet that contains adequate nutrition can help prevent and even help cure some of those problems. Processed meats, foods with added sugar, refined carbohydrates, highly processed foods, artificial sweeteners and trans fats cause high amounts of inflammation. Whole foods like tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, almonds and walnuts, fatty fish and fresh fruit like berries and cherries help prevent inflammation.

Eating healthy has other benefits, such as weight loss.

There’s still a lot to learn about how healthy eating boosts your health. Statistics show that people who are obese tend to have a higher risk for many serious conditions, but that fact brings up another question. Is it the excess weight that causes the problem or did the food that added the extra weight also create the health issue? While there are research studies into the effects of using food as an actual cure, all scientists and doctors agree that a healthy diet that limits processed food and added sugar can improve your health and boost medical treatment for serious conditions.

  • Your body has microbes that perform many functions and control everything from digestion to aspects of mental health. To maintain a healthy balance of beneficial microbes, you have to eat healthy, which means eating whole foods with adequate soluble fiber.
  • Healthy foods also include herbs and spices. For instance, turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and can boost heart health. Basil can improve mental health, is an antioxidant, reduces inflammation and is antibacterial.
  • If you eat meat, you need to be mindful of how that animal was raised. Essentially, you’re eating what they ate. Grass-fed, organic, free-range animals and fish raised in the wild are healthier options.
  • Foods high in fiber not only help your microbiome, they help regulate blood sugar levels, aid in weight loss, lower the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes and help you live longer.

For more information, contact us today at Wholly You Fitness

Look And Feel Better Now

Look And Feel Better Now

If you look in the mirror and like what you see, that makes you feel better about yourself. Feeling healthy and looking healthy makes you more attractive. It’s natural for people to be more drawn to healthy individuals. It happens in the animal community, too. The healthier an animal is, the more potential they have for having a healthy offspring or can provide for basic needs. Of course, a lot more goes into choosing a mate, particularly in humans, but healthy is definitely the new sexy. You can start your journey immediately by starting with small changes.

First decide what changes you want to make and be specific.

I want to look better or I want to be healthier may be what you want, but you have to be more specific in order to find ways to achieve your goal. Your goal has to be more specific and something realistic. Start simple with goals like following a healthy diet and exercising at least a half hour a day.

Our exercise program will be designed specifically for you and your goals.

Maybe you’ve been a couch potato for years and never exercised. When you start by working with Wholly You Fitness, we tailor it to your needs and level of fitness. However, if you’re not ready for a formal workout program, start by becoming more active. Set aside a half hour a day to go for a brisk walk. The good news is that you don’t have to do it all at once. You can get the same benefit from taking three ten-minute walks throughout the day. Another option is to do a ten-minute workout in the morning, walk ten minutes at noon and do another ten minutes of exercise at the end of the day.

Learning to eat healthy is a key component of becoming a healthier you.

Again, our program includes meal plans and helps you learn how to eat healthier. The plans are based on the information you provide, such as food intolerance and food preferences. If you’re not ready for a formal plan, start by making small changes. Cut out food with added sugar first and follow that by replacing processed food with whole foods. You’ll start to notice food tastes better and you’ll feel better.

  • Don’t expect to transform your body overnight or see the changes immediately. However, once you start on the road to a healthier lifestyle, you’ll notice how much better you feel in just a few weeks.
  • Even if you don’t have the look you want right now, be kind to yourself. Self hate is counterproductive. You need to know you deserve to take care of your body and feed it the healthiest foods.
  • Getting adequate sleep is also important. You need eight to nine hours a night. Too little sleep takes a toll on your heart and can cause an imbalance in hormones. It slows the creation of hormones that make you feel full and increases the creation of hormones that make you hungry.
  • Getting adequate hydration is also important. You need approximately eight glasses of water a day. Cut out soft drinks, including artificially sweetened ones. Drinking a glass of water before a meal can also help you eat less food.

For more information, contact us today at Wholly You Fitness